A Hydrocloroquin treatment of COVID-19, Is it correct and are there any other alternatives?

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Mohammad Ridho Devantoro


There has been a pandemic phenomenon known as COVID-19, but WHO has not yet established a medical management guidelines for the disease. a lot of debate about the use of hydrocloroquine / cloroquin with various in vitro studies and some drugs such as anti-inflammatory proposed to be an alternative therapy with a combination therapy mechanism because it is more effective than monotherapy.

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How to Cite
Devantoro, M. (2020). A Hydrocloroquin treatment of COVID-19, Is it correct and are there any other alternatives?. JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 8(2), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.53366/jimki.v8i2.148


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