Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • There are no personally identifiable information (e.g. authors' names, institutional affiliations, acknowledgements) present on the file.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, with text format and article template provided in the submission page
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The article uses Times New Roman font (12 pt); using italic rather than underlining (except for URL address) and all figures and tables are attached within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.
  • The text is written in English or Indonesian (although articles written in english are preferred)
  • URLs of references cited should be included in the article where appropriate
  • A Letter of Originality should also be submitted and signed on top of an Rp10 000 seal
  • Understand and Agree to the points laid out in regards to our Editorial Policy

General Guidelines

In general, we follow the format of “Manuscript Preparation and Submission of Medical Journal” published by International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). We accept four types of articles: Research article, Advertorial, Review, and Case Report. The research article basicly consist of Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRAD). Advertorial, narrative review, and case report are less structured formats. A systematic review and meta-analysis requires a special formats (The methods using PRISMA guidelines and the result is aparted from the discussion)

Reporting Guidelines

Reporting guidelines for clinical trial using CONSORT, systematic review and meta-analysis using PRISMA guidelines, observational study using STROBE, case report using CARE, diagnostic/prognostic study using STARD, and animal pre-clinical study using ARRIVE. For other type of study, author may to open EQUATOR network or the NLM’s Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives.

Article Guidelines

Lembar Pernyataan Orisinalitas dan Persetujuan Publikasi: Lembar Pernyataan Orisinalitas

Format Karya dapat dilihat sebagai berikut:

Original Research


Review Research

Case Report *

*Consent Publication Ethics for Case Report using the  C.O.P.E Publication Ethics

Guideline OJS

The following informations are required to submit an article to JIMKI:

1. Title Page

This section contains:

  • Article title (maximum of 20 words with no abbreviation, concise, but includes sufficient and clear information)
  • Author’s and corresponding author information (complete name with author’s highest academic degree, specific name of department and institution or organization, author’s telephone, fax and e-mail addresses, and corresponding authors’s telephone, fax and e-mail addresses)
  • Disclaimers (statement about originality and owner of this article is the author and not an official position of the institution or funder)
  • Source of support (grants, equipments, and/or other support of the research or article itself if any)
  • Word Count (excluding abstract, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, and references)
  • Number of figures and tables
  • Aknowledgment (if any, it is addressed to other who have helped or were involved either directly or indirectly in the research)

2. Abstract

The abstract of article is miniature of its contents. The abstract should contains the background, purpose of study, basic procedures/method (study participant, settings, measurement, and analytical methods), main findings or result (specific size, statistical, and clinical significance of the effect if possible), and principal conclusions. Clinical trial registration number is written at the end of the abstract if any. The author should provide 3-5 keywords which can be used for indexing purpose

3. Text


This section provides background of the study, specific purpose or research objective, or hypothesis. Cite only directly pertinent references.


In general, this section should explain about how the study was done in a particular way. Detailed information such as study design, participants, place and time the study conducted, population and sample, and data measurement and analysis technique. This section should include a statement indicating that research was approved by local/regional/national review independent body (ethics commite, institutional review board, etc.) if any.

Results and Discussion

This section should provide the result of the study in logical sequences in the form of text, tables, and figures.


The headings are located above the table, only use horizontal lines with 2 or 3 lines, without using vertical lines. The text of Table 1 is in bold (in bold), using the numbering provisions of Arabic numerals. 1, 2, 3, etc., and I, II, III (Roman numerals).

Author should write a short or abbreviated heading and place explanatory matters in footnotes using following symbols †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡, §§, ||||, ¶¶, etc. Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. If the datas are from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission and acknowledge that source fully.

Illustrations (Figures)

The writing of the figure is located below the image, with bold in the writing of the figure and the numbering consecutively using Arabic numerals. If the figure has been published previously, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it. The author should send high-resolution photographic image files for radiological and other clinical and diagnostic images, as well as pictures of pathology specimens or photomicrographs.


The conclusion contains the answers to the research questions. Conclusions must answer specific objectives. This section is written in the form of an essay and does not contain numerical data from the research results. Consists of a maximum of three paragraphs that summarize the core of the research results and the limitations of the research, as well as the possibility of developing research that can be carried out by other parties to develop the results that have been obtained.

Unit of Measurement

Author should use measurement of length, height, weight, and volume in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius., blood pressures should be in millimeters of mercury, and drug concentrations may be reported in either SI or mass units. Other measurement unit should be written in International System of Units (SI). If the SI units are not used universally for some measurement, the author may add alternative or non-SI units.


The references format and styles are based on NLM’s International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals: Sample References.

The author should avoid citing articles from predatory journal, personal communication, and abstract. Accepted paper but not yet published should be designated as “in press” or “forthcoming”. Submitted paper but not yet accepted should be cited as “unpublished observations” and must written permission from the source. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals).

The examples of references format style are listed below.

Article/Journal: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 25;347(4):284-7.

Book/Monograph: Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

Electronic Materials: Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available from: https://journals.lww.com/ajnonline/Fulltext/2002/06000/Quality_Improvement_Initiative_in_Nursing_Homes.31.aspx Subscription required.

Other Published Materials: Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 29th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2000. Filamin; p. 675.

Other Unpublished Materials: Tian D, Araki H, Stahl E, Bergelson J, Kreitman M. Signature of balancing selection in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Forthcoming 2002.

Journal Policy

Focus and Scope

This journal focus and scope are listed below.

Anesthesiology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Cardiology, Clinical Practice Research, Critical Care Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Epidemiology,  Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Healthcare Research, Hematology, Hepatology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Medical Sciences Research, Microbiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Neuroscience, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Occupational Health, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology,  Parasitology, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Preventive Medicine, Public Health, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Rheumatology, Surgery, Toxicology, Urology, Vascular Medicine, Virology, Sport Health and Medicine.

Publication Ethics

JIMKI used the guideline of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for all aspect of publication.

JIMKI accepts publications of scientific papers and research results conducted by undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral medical students. Every year, JIMKI publishes 3 editions. Currently, JIMKI accepts manuscripts in the form of literature reviews, case reports, refresher articles on medical science, practical instructions, and advertorials. Every work submitted to JIMKI will be edited by a peer-reviewer and will go through the editorial process in force.

This following statement clarifies ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the journal manager, author, the editor, and the reviewer.

Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Editors

  • 1.Meet the needs of readers and writers;
  • 2.Making efforts to improve the quality of publications in a sustainable manner;
  • 3.Implement processes to ensure the quality of published papers;
  • 4.Promote freedom of opinion in an objective manner;
  • 5.Maintains the integrity of the author's academic track record;
  • 6.Deliver corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies when needed;
  • 7.Responsible for the style and format of the written work, while the content and all statements in the written work are the responsibility of the author;
  • 8.Actively soliciting the opinions of writers, readers, peer-reviewed partners, and members of the editorial board to improve the quality of publications;
  • 9.Encourage an assessment of the journal if there are findings;
  • 10.Support initiatives to reduce research and publication errors by asking authors to attach an ethical clearance form that has been approved by the ethical clearance Commission;
  • 11.Support initiatives to educate researchers about publication ethics;
  • 12.Assessing the effect of published policies on the attitudes of authors and peer-reviewed authors and correcting them to increase responsibility and minimize errors;
  • 13.Have an open mind to new opinions or views of others that may conflict with personal opinions;
  • 14.Not maintaining the opinion of yourself, the author, or a third party which may result in non-objective decisions; and
  • 15.Encourage writers, so they can improve their written works until they are fit for publication.

Duties and Responsibilities of Peer-Reviewers

  • 1.Receiving assignments from the editor to review the paper and submit the review to the editor as material for determining the feasibility of a written work for publication;
  • 2.Does not review written works that involve him, either directly or indirectly;
  • 3.Maintain the confidentiality of the authors by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations for the manuscripts they are reviewing;
  • 4.Encourage writers to improve their script;
  • 5.Reviewing papers that have been corrected according to predetermined standards; and
  • 6.Reviewing the manuscript in a timely manner according to the style of the journal environment and based on scientific principles (data collection methods, author legality, drawing conclusions, etc.).

Duties and Responsibilities of the Author

  • 1.Ensuring that those included in the list of authors meet the criteria as authors;
  • 2.Responsible collectively for the work and content of the manuscript / article which includes methods, analysis, calculations, and details;
  • 3.State the origin of resources (including funding), either directly or indirectly;
  • 4.Explain the limitations of the study;
  • 5.Respond to comments made by peer-reviewers in a professional and timely manner;
  • 6.Inform the editor if he will retract his written work; and
  • 7.Make a statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, has not been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of being submitted to another publisher.

Peer Review Process

The submitted articles will be reviewed usually by 9-10 weeks using double-blind peer review process, which means both author and reviewer identities are concealed each other throughout the review process.

The first step of peer review is initial reviewing, which decide the submitted articles are feasible to continue to minor and major review based on JIMKI’s guideline and appraisal.

If the submitted articles are eligible, it will be minorly reviewed by editors of JIMKI and majorly reviewed by peer-reviewers. Then, articles will be sent to authors along with review notes from editors and peer-reviewer. If the articles have been revised and uploaded by authors, it will be reviewed again. The final step of this review is production, which means this article accepted and will be published to JIMKI.

Open Access Policy

This journal is a journal that provides free direct access to any existing content and publications to disseminate and increase the contribution of publications in this journal to contribute an important role in the world of publication and scientific knowledge that is broader and more advanced.


The submitted articles will be checked using Turnitin to detect plagiarism. The articles using plagiarism with similarity is more than 20% from any manuscripts will not be accepted.

Article Processing Charge

Article Submission Charge:
Submitted articles will NOT be charged for submitting articles.

Article Publication Charge:
Accepted peer-reviewed articles will be charged 50,000 IDR for publishing.