Association of Uric Acid Level With Severe Preeclampsia in Pregnancy Women in RSUD Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Province Lampung

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Citara Tri Utami


Background: Preeclampsia is a syndrome of pregnancy after 20 weeks gestation and is one of obstetric emergencies. An early detection to diagnosis of preeclampsia is needed to avoid a poor prognosis of preeclampsia. Uric acid during pregnancy is one of preeclampsia biomarkers that can be used as a diagnostic assessment of preeclampsia. The purpose of this study is to know the association of uric acid level with severe preeclampsia in pregnancy women in RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province.

Method: The design of this research is case control. Case population were pregnant women with preeclampsia and control population were pregnant women without preeclampsia. sample of case consist 31 respondents and case-control consist 31 respondents. Incidence preeclampsia data obtained while the examination acid levels obtained from laboratory tests. Chi-Square analysis is used to do bivariate analysis.

Results: Pregnant women with preeclampsia have elevated uric acid levels of (74.2%) than the control (without preeclampsia) group (35.5%). Based on bivariate analysis, the value of p = 0.0005 and OR 5.227 (95% CI = 1.7 to 15.5).

Discussion: The failure of abnormal spiral artery remodeling in preeclampsia causes placental cellular ischemia which will increase the activity of Xanthine Oxidase which can increase uric acid production from maternal, fetal or placental tissues.

Conclusion: There is a assosiation high levels of uric acid during pregnancy that increased the risk of preeclampsia by 5 times when compared with normal uric acid levels during pregnancy.


Keywords: preeclampsia, pregnancy, uric acid

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How to Cite
Tri Utami, C. (2021). Association of Uric Acid Level With Severe Preeclampsia in Pregnancy Women in RSUD Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Province Lampung. JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 8(3), 61-67.
Research Article


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