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Pemphigus foliaseus is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the presence of
loose and easily broken bullae resulting in erosional lesions, scaling and crusting. The
incidence of pemphigus foliaseus around the world is very few 2-10 cases per one million
population making it a rare disease, generally occurring in adults between the ages of 40-
60 years. In this journal, we report the case of a 50-year-old woman who came with
complaints of a ruptured thin blister with partial scaly and redness on almost the entire body
an hour 10 days before treatment. Complaints are accompanied by heat accompanied by
mild itching on the skin with lesions. Patients say complaints that have naturally
disappeared 16 years ago. From dermatological examination on almost the entire body,
well-demarcated erythematous macules, vesicles to multiple bullae, round to irregular
shape, lenticular to nummular size, discrete to confluent distribution were found. There is
also a soft to medium squash, layer, multiple, white to brown with irregular shapes. The
patient is then treated in general and in particular.
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